Finding Resolutions for Even the Most Complex Child Custody Cases in San Diego County
Establishing child custody
and visitation can be an emotional and overwhelming experience. For many parents, this is the toughest of all the issues associated with separation, divorce, or paternity
cases. While we generally believe we know what is best for our children, the turmoil of ending a marriage and/or facing a family law court issue can
overcome reason and sound judgment on what is best for the child. The best interests of the child, as opposed to the desires of the parents, is the main consideration of the courts when it is left up
to a judge to issue custody and visitation orders.
At The Law Offices of
Nadine M. Sayegh, we can provide expert assistance with this matter. Our attorney is not only a Certified Family Law Specialist per the California Bar but is also listed as a provider for alternative
dispute resolution by the San Diego Family Law Bar Association, has served as a pro-tem judge in the courts facilitating mandatory settlement conferences, and is qualified to serve as a minor’s
counsel. With years of intensive professional experience in these roles as well as representing parents in custody cases, our firm provides a level of rare proficiency and skill in resolving your
parenting issues and disputes.
Custody & Visitation in California
Custody is broken down into two parts under California law. These are:
- Legal custody. This grants a parent the right and authority to make major decisions concerning the child's life and activities, such as
schooling, religion, health care, extra-curricular, and the like. This can be shared by both parents (joint) or granted to one parent only (sole).
- Physical custody. This gives a parent the right to have the child reside with him or her. This can also be granted on a joint of sole
Joint physical custody does not always translate to equal time spent with each parent. The scheduled time will depend on the
circumstances. A child may spend a larger block of time with one parent due to school or daycare considerations or based on a parent's work schedule. This parent is generally considered to be the
"custodial" parent. However, both parents have custody and this is considered to be more than just "visitation."
Who Has the Right to Custody?
California family
law lays out who has the right to custody. Both parents or either parent has this right with no preference under the law for or against joint or sole custody. The court is given broad discretion
in determining the matter.
You and the other parent
can create your own custody and parenting plan through negotiation or mediation, have it written up into a formal agreement, and submit it to the court. Courts will generally accept such
agreements as long as they support the child’s best interests. If you and the other parent cannot agree on the matter, the court may order you to participate in mediation or may appoint a minor’s
counsel to act solely for the child’s benefit as his or her independent representative absent any parental influence.